
We ask that patients arrive 15 minutes in advance of their scheduled appointments to assure that all the necessary information is in place.

Initial appointments with Dr. Betchkal require quite a bit of testing to monitor the progression of the disease and the effectiveness of on-going treatments. As a result, a thorough examination and discussion with the physician may take up to 2 or 3 hours.

Dilation of pupils will be done on almost every new patient in order to do a complete ophthalmic evaluation. Dilation takes 30 to 45 minutes, but the effects can last an average of 4 to 6 hours. In some cases, the effects persist up to 24 hours. Blurry vision is usually a side effect so it is strongly suggested that patients have someone who can drive them home from their appointment.

What to Bring

  • Insurance card and/or Medicare cards and pharmacy cards
  • Copy of the authorization notice from your insurance carrier, if appropriate
  • Any records or test information you have from a previous ophthalmologist that may be helpful
  • Contact information of referring physician
  • Prescription eye glasses (even if they are old or you wear contact lenses)
  • Sunglasses (for after dilation)
  • List of medications (including eye medications, supplements and over the counter medicine)
  • If you are diabetic, bring snacks in anticipation of a long visit